Do Hormones Cause Anxiety Attacks?

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hormone therapy, hormone screeningAnxiety attacks can be a serious issue affecting a person’s daily functioning. The causes of anxiety attacks are often linked to different factors, and are not caused by a single aspect. According to Hidden Stream Counseling in Raleigh, North Carolina, “Women are twice as likely as men to experience anxiety attacks during their lifetimes.  Anxiety is more prevalent during times of fluctuating hormones such as adolescence. pregnancy and menopause.”

Fluctuating estrogen levels during these times can lead to changes in a woman’s mood and emotional state.  Particularly, it can lead to increased irritability, worry, tension and the level of anxiety.

Estrogen is a hormone that experiences changes during menopause. Levels of this hormone begin to fluctuate, which is normal, affecting neurochemicals such as serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine and melatonin. These neurochemicals have a variety of functions and are strongly related to mood and emotion, as well as to sleep, alertness and other aspects that might affect anxiety directly or indirectly.

Anxiety is not only caused by hormonal changes. It might appear in conjunction with psychological issues or problems that the woman has, but might not want to accept. A chronic state of stress, especially with issues that the woman is not comfortable admitting or talking about, might lead to increased anxiety that manifests itself in other areas of her life.

It’s also possible that the anxiety is linked to another type of disorder, such as a substance abuse, depression or a sleep disorder. In the case of a substance abuse or depression, focusing on the anxiety attack may allow the patient to ignore these other problems. A sleep disorder may create a state of chronic stress which encourages the development of anxiety.

During menopause, hormonal fluctuations may play a part in anxiety attacks. While hormones are not the singular cause for anxiety at this life stage, it’s a good idea to check one’s hormonal levels if there is a higher level of anxiety than previously experienced.  Balancing the hormones through treatment will be the first step in overcoming anxiety.

Contact Metro MediSpa to have hormone screening done today.

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