What are the Benefits of PRP Facial?

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Metro MediSpa PRP FacialWhen Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is incorporated in a bio-facial, it gives skin the benefits of a facelift without the surgery. Plasma is a natural substance found in blood and is very useful in treating burns, skin injuries, and aging. PRP is acquired when a small amount of blood is drawn and centrifuged to separate blood cells from the platelet plasma. The PRP is injected to trigger the synthesis of collagen, and when used with hydraulic acid the combination helps improve the texture, color, tone, and volume of skin.

PRP Facial

The facial skin is first analyzed for the extent of damage and to determine the optimal areas to inject the PRP. After the assessment, the surface is cleaned and prepared for the procedure. Blood is then drawn and centrifuged. The PRP is then collected and injected into the affected parts of the skin, and any remaining PRP is rubbed into the surface with a derma roller. A PRP facial usually takes about 30 minutes and, depending on the condition being treated, requires between 3 to 6 treatments, 4 to 6 weeks apart for the best results.

Benefits of PRP Facial

  • The procedure is entirely natural. It uses the patient’s platelet plasma for treatment with no artificial components like Botox.
  • The therapy has little to no side effects or allergic reactions because the injected material is the patient’s biological material.
  • The procedure is minimally-invasive and non-surgical
  • There is little to no recovery time. Little time may be needed for redness and soreness from the injection to disappear.
  • The treatment can also smooth out lines and wrinkles to rejuvenate skin appearance and youthfulness

A PRP facial is a safe and effective treatment for any patient looking for a natural skin enhancement option.

For more information on a PRP Facial or to schedule an appointment, contact Metro MediSpa at 888-637-7228 or 910-599-9925.

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Metro MediSpa

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