What is a PRP Facial?

Metro MediSPa platelet-rich plasma facial

PRP Facials are a popular treatment used to rejuvenate the skin. It works by taking platelet-rich plasma (PRP) from the patient’s blood and applying it to their face. Kim Kardashian helped popularize the treatment when she posted a picture of herself trying it in 2013. PRP treatments help accelerate the body’s healing process. For example, […]

How Long Does a PRP Facial Treatment Last?

PRP is a great treatment to rejuvenate the skin to regain that youthful glow and look. PRP stands for Platelet-Rich Plasma therapy. It consists of injecting the platelets of the patient to reduce the signs of aging like wrinkles or fine lines. This procedure is also referred to as the vampire facial because it’s the […]

Summer to Fall Skin Rejuvenation Treatments

For many years now research and advancement in technology continue to produce innovative skin treatment and enhancement techniques. These techniques are centered on regaining and retaining firmness, youthful texture, even coloring, and young- looking skin. If you have noticed your face is looking tired lately with wrinkles and lines starting to form, you probably need […]

What are the Benefits of PRP Facial?

When Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is incorporated in a bio-facial, it gives skin the benefits of a facelift without the surgery. Plasma is a natural substance found in blood and is very useful in treating burns, skin injuries, and aging. PRP is acquired when a small amount of blood is drawn and centrifuged to separate […]