Age Management Program
We help our patients understand that improving their overall health and the progression of aging is easily attainable with Metro MediSpa’s Age Management Program.
At Metro MediSpa, our approach to managing aging can decrease the risk of age-related illness, improve physical as well as sexual vitality, address sleep issues, add muscle tone, lessen body fat and strengthen mental facilities.
Prevent Heart Disease and Stroke
The number one cause of death in the U.S. is cardiovascular disease. Because the first symptom is an actual heart attack or stroke more than 30% of the time, it’s called the “silent killer.” The good news is cardiovascular disease is preventable with proper screening, testing and active prevention.

The Health Baseline
Your health is our first concern so we start with a Health Baseline. Our intense diagnostics establish your baselines, metabolically and physiologically. We pinpoint your health strengths and weaknesses.
Using your Health Baseline, we develop a personal medical program to rejuvenate you & help your feel and appear more youthful.
This process helps identify criteria to strive for the lowest possible risks for disease— with the goal of extending your healthy vital years.
Monthly, we will track your progress, schedule check-ups and revise your program as necessary. Also, you will have access to ask questions and discuss your progress throughout your program.
Take control of aging by taking advantage of our support to reach your goals.

Annual Health Review
The Health Baseline provides you and Dr. Constance Tambakis-Odom a starting point for your yearly review for measuring your achievements versus your goals. Progress is evaluated by focusing on factors such as risk of age-related disease, improved physical as well as sexual vitality, sleep issues, muscle tone, body fat and sharpness of mental facilities. Measuring progress is incredibly important, it helps us see that what we are doing actually has positive effect and helps us recognize what aspects of your health plan we could change to help you see better results

Keys of the Health Program
- Nutrition that is low-glycemic (low sugar & carbs) and anti-inflammatory
- Exercise goals
- Physician-designed high-quality vitamins
- Prescription medications, if indicated
- Risk management of disease
- Hormone optimization, if indicated