IV Therapy Benefits You Might Not Know

IV therapy (intravenous therapy) is one of the best ways to administer nutritional fluids, supplements, vitamins, and medications to people of almost all ages. The main advantage of IV therapy is that it bypasses the gastrointestinal tract or GIT and allows the desired amounts of nutrition, vitamins, or medications to approach directly in the bloodstream. […]

Alkaline Water Hydrates For Youthful Appearance

Many people consider hydration as a simple process – merely drink massive amounts of water regularly.  Hydration promotes overall health and properly functioning organs (i.e., colon, liver, and kidneys). Water also does an excellent job in cleansing and detoxifying the body. Not all water is equal.  Distilled water, for instance, does not contain the vital […]

Summer to Fall Skin Rejuvenation Treatments

For many years now research and advancement in technology continue to produce innovative skin treatment and enhancement techniques. These techniques are centered on regaining and retaining firmness, youthful texture, even coloring, and young- looking skin. If you have noticed your face is looking tired lately with wrinkles and lines starting to form, you probably need […]

The Benefits of Liquid Collagen

Various skin rejuvenation treatments are being used today, one of the most outstanding ones being liquid collagen. Collagen is a natural protein produced in the body that is responsible for rejuvenating, strengthening and increasing the elasticity of the skin. The protein works from the inside out, replacing dead skin cells from under the skin’s surface […]

What Are The Benefits Of Microneedling?

Microneedling also called Collagen Induction Treatment (C.I.T), is a skin rejuvenation treatment that triggers collagen and elastin synthesis in the skin. The procedure is suitable for most skin types and provides visible results in a short period. How Microneedling Works Microneedling creates microscopic channels in the skin using needles that penetrate the delicate blood vessels […]

Vampire Facelift: How Long Does It Last?

Vampire facelifts are one of the hottest trends in the beauty world right now.  Injections of the patient’s blood are used to boost the healing capabilities of the patient’s skin. It might sound a little gruesome, but plenty of A-listers swear by this treatment- and for good reason. It works by taking some blood samples […]

Vampire Facelift: How Long is Recovery?

People, especially women, try different treatments to rid themselves of the signs of aging and to look more beautiful and fresh. One of these signs is greying skin due to the decreased blood flow and the reduction in collagen production. Vampire Facelift, also known as Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP), is a medical technique which has […]

Vampire Facelift Treatment Risks and Results

The first word that many people think about when they hear about the Vampire Facelift procedure is blood. And that thought is not entirely wrong. A Vampire Facelift is a cosmetic procedure that utilizes a person’s blood components to create an anti-aging effect. During the process, a doctor draws blood from the client’s arm and […]

Trick or Treatment?

One looks forward to a fresh skin care regime after the summer ends. The beginning of October marks the arrival of fall and the anticipation of Halloween and costume party invitations. Glowing and soft skin is all a woman wants to have when all eyes are on her at every party. So why look like […]

Vitamin D Deficiency Affects All Skin Tones

Vitamin D is obtained specifically through ultraviolet radiation B; which inversely is associated with various complex diseases. The negative and positive consequences of sun exposure have been debated. Vitamin D is produced by the skin when it is exposed to the ultraviolet light of the sun. Light skin pigmentation arises to ensure sufficient levels of […]