How Long Does a PRP Facial Treatment Last?

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PRP Facial treatment

PRP is a great treatment to rejuvenate the skin to regain that youthful glow and look. PRP stands for Platelet-Rich Plasma therapy. It consists of injecting the platelets of the patient to reduce the signs of aging like wrinkles or fine lines. This procedure is also referred to as the vampire facial because it’s the blood plasma that makes you look young again. PRP facial treatment is a better option than plastic surgery since no incisions are required. The plasma injected stimulates the production of collagen and elastin and helps the skin to thicken, eliminating the signs of aging.

What is a PRP Facial Treatment?

Many celebrities use a non-invasive treatment like PRP because it rejuvenates and smooths the skin with little downtime. Moreover, acne-prone skin sees improvements in skin texture and the reduction of dark spots.

However, before investing in PRP, people often wonder how long this facial treatment will last. The procedure is done in phases over a period of six weeks. Many people notice a change in their skin after the first treatment, and their skin continues to improve over the next three months. This gradual improvement is due to increased collagen production. The results are long-lasting, and you may not need any touch-ups for two years. Some people visit their skin specialist more frequently to maintain their desired results.

Minimal Risk and Fantastic Results

The treatment has no side effects since the primary ingredient used is the patient’s blood plasma. However, there might be some swelling after the procedure at the injections sites. Some people may want to take a day off from work to recover, but that is a personal choice. The treated skin should be moisturized regularly for protection. No need to panic if you notice some bruising – that will last for just a few days. Inform your provider in advance if you are taking any medicines or have sensitive skin so that they can take preventive measures before the treatment starts.

For more information on PRP facial treatment or to schedule a consultation, contact Metro MediSpa at 888-637-7228 or 910-599-9925.

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Metro MediSpa

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Through anti-aging medicine along with advanced cosmetic treatments, our experienced team of medical professionals is committed to bringing the beauty of an improved appearance and inner age-defying wellness to all.

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