PRP Liquid FaceLift

When a client comes to us to reshape their face, make wrinkles less noticeable, and restore their skin volume, Hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers is used. Fillers such as Botox and Juvederm lift the skin away from the bone to restore youthful volume and shape. However, HA fillers can cause problems near the eye. The HA fillers also do little to improve the skin tone and texture. The PRP Liquid Facelift offers a way of both restoring shape, and improving tone and texture, as well as literally rejuvenating new and younger tissue!

The PRP Liquid Facelift is a procedure developed for people who want healthy, youthful, and rejuvenated skin, but done quickly and without surgery. This procedure is able to do this by harnessing your own body’s healing and regenerative properties. The PRP Liquid Facelift can be used to treat:

Metro MediSpa Liquid facelift - prp facial

This procedure is safe and effective because it literally uses your body’s own blood. A patient’s blood is used to create [the components include using] platelet-rich plasma (PRP), or blood-derived growth factors, combined with Hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers. This process acts as a scaffolding for the stem cells to come in and grow new tissue. Next, we aesthetically place that scaffolding so that we create a beautiful, natural effect.

3 Steps of the PRP Facial Procedure

Create a beautiful, natural shape

In the first part of the PRP Liquid FaceLift procedure, Dr. Tambakis-Odom will use an Hyaluronic Acid (HA) filler, such as Juvederm, to sculpt a youthful appearance, while still keeping the shape natural. Dr. Tambakis-Odom has been performing cosmetic procedures such as HA Fillers for over 20 years and understands how to create an aesthetically pleasing appearance on a client’s face. After creating a younger, natural shape, Dr. Tambakis-Odom then harvests from the client’s own blood (hence the name Vampire) growth factors that the body would normally use to heal damaged tissue.

Isolating & Activating the Magic from Your Blood

First, Dr. Tambakis-Odom will draw a very small amount of the client’s blog, only about 2 teaspoons of blood. Then, using a centrifuge, Dr. Tambakis-Odom isolates platelets from that blood (platelet-rich plasma or PRP) – all within about 10 minutes in the office! Wikipedia article on Platelet-rich plasma Dr. Tambakis-Odom “activates” those platelets to cause the release from the platelets of at least 8 growth factors; the magic that is used to heal injured tissue and increase collagen & new blood flow. Once the growth factors have been activated, they are put back into your skin to start the rejuvenation process.

Injecting the Magic into Your Face

Numbing cream and a very small needle are used for almost no pain. Dr. Tambakis-Odom injects the client’s own growth factors back into the face according to the PRP Liquid Facelift protocol. These growth factors activate multipotent stem cells already in the skin; tricking them into “thinking” there’s been an injury so that new younger tissue starts to generate. These multipotent stem cells ultimately develop into new collagen, new blood vessels, and new fatty tissue trying to “repair” the skin that was never injured! The effects of the procedure improve for 2 to 3 months and last for at least 12 to 18 months! Depending on your skin tone and texture, Dr. Tambakis-Odom may use another technique with micro-needling, followed by the application of PRP. The PRP Liquid Facelift procedure involves using Juvederm to restore shape followed by injecting PRP below the dermis the help restore color and texture along with enhancing a normal shape.

Schedule a Consult Today.

The PRP Liquid Facelift may not be for everyone. Some clients would do better with cosmetic surgery, laser therapy, Botox®, or simply PRP or an HA filler used alone. If you are curious about this procedure and want to know if it’s right for you, schedule a consult today.