BOTOX® Treatment Wilmington NC
Are you in search of the Fountain of Youth?
BOTOX® has revolutionized the way we treat lines and wrinkles on the face, offering dramatic improvements that reverse the effects of aging.
What would it mean to you if you were wrinkle FREE?
Or how great would it feel to actually ‘Look as Young as You Feel’? BOTOX® is modern medicine’s gift to every woman. With no cuts, stitches, or downtime, it’s no wonder that BOTOX® is the number one cosmetic procedure in the United States. The ‘go-to’ treatment for those in need of a little sprucing up. But does every Botox®-newbie really know what it’s all about? How does it work? What happens after a procedure? How long does it last? Here’s a complete Botox® Wilmington guide to answers all your questions. Learn more about our skin rejuvenation treatments.

* individual results may vary
Are you a candidate for BOTOX®?
This proven, therapeutic muscle-relaxing
treatment is best suited for moderate to severe crow’s feet and other “expression lines.” You know the ones: from squinting, laughing, frowning, smoking, and worrying. They can make you look older, angry, tired, or stressed. And they can make you feel less confident about your appearance.
BOTOX® is a safe, effective treatment
that takes approximately ten minutes to complete. Using a very fine needle, BOTOX® (a purified protein) is injected into the specific muscle that is contracting and causing the wrinkles to form. The injection simply relaxes the muscle and your skin becomes unwrinkled and smooth. The effects of a single BOTOX® treatment will last approximately three months, with additional trea
The effects of a single BOTOX® treatment
will last approximately three months, with additional treatments often lasting longer. The procedure requires no anesthetic — you’ll feel only a minimal “pinprick” sensation. You can return immediately to your normal activities. Within a few days, you’ll enjoy the full effects of your treatment: smoother, wrinkle-free skin that makes you look (and feel) younger and happier.
Dr. Constance Tambakis-Odom
is specially trained in the administration of BOTOX®, as well as other skin rejuvenation therapies. A private, complimentary consultation will help you explore the possibilities and choose the treatment that’s right for you.
BOTOX® is a purified protein, a strong neurotoxin, created by a specific type of bacteria. Allergan, the maker of BOTOX®, purifies this naturally occurring neurotoxin to make a high-quality, cosmetic-grade, FDA-approved medical product that’s officially authorized for the treatment of wrinkles.
As a neurotoxin injected into carefully selected areas, the proteins binds to motor neurons and block the release of a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine. This is the neurotransmitter is in charge of triggering and activating muscles. By blocking the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, BOTOX® helps relax those excessive muscle contractions responsible for obvious, unsightly wrinkles.
A typical procedure takes about 15 minutes when administered by an experienced medical professional.
There is no downtime. Patients can return to their normal daily routine right after the procedure.
Afterwards, it is possible (though unusual) that you may have some slight bruising and tenderness at the injected site. Some experience short-term headaches.
The effects of BOTOX® take a few days to take hold. It usually takes 7-10 days to see the final effects.
Many people pair fillers like Juvederm to enhance the wrinkle-free look. Studies demonstrate that fillers break down slower when paired with BOTOX®. Since BOTOX® hinders muscle contractions surrounding the area treated with a filler, the volume and smoothness offered by the filler can last longer.
Common Botox Treatment Areas
BOTOX® is very effective for helping ease the tense, tired look caused by wrinkles around the eyes and above the nose. Here are some common treatment areas.
Eleven lines are common frown lines that appear on your glabella, the area between your eyebrows just above your nose. Treating this area with Botox will help assuage the “angry” or “irritated” look that the eleven lines give you.
Crow’s feet are the common age lines that are created by smiling and laughing. They appear just on the outer corner of your eyes—below your eyes or radiating all around the outer corner depending on your physiology. A Botox treatment to this area will help clear that tired, aged look.
There is no downtime. Patients can return to their normal daily routine right after the procedure.
Horizontal forehead lines are created when you create an expression of surprise or concern. They appear in parallel rows above your eyebrows. Botox treatment will help release those tense muscles that cause those wrinkles. As a result, the worried and weary look will be smoothed away.
Bunny lines are formed along the upper part of your nose. They usually begin from the inner corner of your eye and stretch diagonally down, or even up, across the nose. These are created by laughing, squinting, or scrunching up your nose. Botox reduces this oddly placed wrinkle that often makes you look like you’ve been twitching your nose.
Schedule a Consult Today.
We’ve helped a lot of people, just like you, find a better way to get rid of unwanted wrinkles without paying for out-dated products that don’t work.