Juvéderm® works by replacing the hyaluronic acid (HA) that your skin loses as it ages, which adds volume to smooth away facial wrinkles and folds.
HYLACROSS, Juvéderm®’s main ingredient, is the only HA cosmetic filler FDA approved to last up to one year with only ONE treatment. Juvéderm®, the first smooth-consistency hyaluronic acid, helps your skin stay younger-looking over a longer period of time.
Injectable dermal fillers have added new dimensions to the field of cosmetic dermatology, allowing new forms of facial rejuvenation and wrinkle treatment without surgery. Injectable skin and wrinkle fillers are used to increase tissue volume (as with lip augmentation), reduce wrinkles, and improve skin’s overall contour.
We offer incredible results with skin (dermal) filler’s at Metro MediSpa in Wilmington NC. Dermal skin fillers do just that – they fill a wrinkle. There is nothing wrong with admitting we all have fine or deep wrinkles. Wrinkles are eventual with everyone. There is a very simple procedure that Dr. Constance Tambakis-Odom utilizes to topically numb your skin in the wrinkled area and then inject our selection of the top dermal skin fillers available today.
For example fillers, like Juvéderm®, can plump up deep folds on either side of your nose and mouth and Botox® can virtually eliminate many wrinkles.

Schedule a Consult Today.
If you would like to give Juvéderm® a try or need to schedule a treatment, contact us today.