Reversing Hair Loss With Platelet-Rich Plasma

Metro MediSpa Platelet Rich Plasma for hair loss

Hair loss is more common than people realize. That is in part because most people consider it a male problem. This assumption is not true. Both genders suffer hair loss and thinning, and it can happen at nearly any age. Those who suffer from hair loss have various options, some more effective and invasive than […]

Summer to Fall Skin Rejuvenation Treatments

For many years now research and advancement in technology continue to produce innovative skin treatment and enhancement techniques. These techniques are centered on regaining and retaining firmness, youthful texture, even coloring, and young- looking skin. If you have noticed your face is looking tired lately with wrinkles and lines starting to form, you probably need […]

What are the Benefits of PRP Facial?

When Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is incorporated in a bio-facial, it gives skin the benefits of a facelift without the surgery. Plasma is a natural substance found in blood and is very useful in treating burns, skin injuries, and aging. PRP is acquired when a small amount of blood is drawn and centrifuged to separate […]

PRP for Hair Loss: A Natural Solution to Baldness

The days when men and women would suffer from baldness either because of hormonal imbalance, genetic predisposition or hair thinning due to alopecia are coming to an end due to medical advancements. One of the latest methods of preventing or managing baldness in the cosmetic world is PRP for hair loss. What is PRP for […]

What Are The Benefits Of Microneedling?

Microneedling also called Collagen Induction Treatment (C.I.T), is a skin rejuvenation treatment that triggers collagen and elastin synthesis in the skin. The procedure is suitable for most skin types and provides visible results in a short period. How Microneedling Works Microneedling creates microscopic channels in the skin using needles that penetrate the delicate blood vessels […]

Improve Acne Scarring With Platelet-Rich Plasma and Microneedling Combined

Acne is a skin condition that is prevalent in over 80% of people experiencing adolescence. Majority of the forms of acne commonly cause visible lesions in the active stage. These lesions after healing often leave behind residual scarring and pigmentation. These scars and pigmentation changes may lead to psychosocial issues for the patient. Studies show […]

How PRP Can Improve ED

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a condition that has affected many men over the years. Previously, there were no remedies that showed positive results in correcting the situation. However, the Priapus Shot (P-Shot) procedure, medical practice for penile rehabilitation, has shown great promise in being able to reduce ED in men. So far, about six to […]

Vampire Facelift: How Long Does It Last?

Vampire facelifts are one of the hottest trends in the beauty world right now.  Injections of the patient’s blood are used to boost the healing capabilities of the patient’s skin. It might sound a little gruesome, but plenty of A-listers swear by this treatment- and for good reason. It works by taking some blood samples […]

Getting Rid of Wrinkles With Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy

If you are thinking of a way to get rid of those wrinkles creeping up on your face, Metro MediSpa probably has the best of any solutions you can find today. Vampire Facelift® The Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy method was invented and trademarked by Dr. Charles Runels. It is known as The Vampire Facelift and […]