Testosterone Therapy for Weight Loss Therapy in Obese Men

Testosterone is an essential hormone for males. It is vital to develop into an adult. It stimulates increased muscles and grows chest hair. The hormone is not only crucial during the initial stages of a man’s life, but it is equally important for him throughout his life. This hormone is responsible for sperm development, which […]

Hormone Replacement Therapy Can Get Your Sexy Back

Growing older brings with it many changes in our bodies.  There are ways to counteract many of these changes through lifestyle adjustments like eating healthier, exercising, and meditating.  But some changes may require some medical intervention.  Hormones play an important role in the body and when they are out of balance the body suffers in […]

Intimacy: The Superglue to our Relationships

We would like to blame all of our problems on hormones, from our moody natures, to all the spots and lines on our faces. Most of the time we know that it is either father time taking his toll, Mother Nature taking hers, and our lifelong love of chocolate finally rearing its head. That’s life, […]