What you should eat and drink to slow the aging process.
Water is THE best thing you can do for your body to slow the aging process. Staying hydrated and boosting your immune system naturally is a safe method to staying healthier. Water has no known side effects. Corporations don’t want to promote this because they won’t make any money off of you but now you know. Surprising, right? Maybe, maybe not.
This one might surprise you though. The next best thing is Coffee. Coffee has its poor side affects such as migranes, anxiety, heart arrhythmias, or upsetting the stomach. But if it doesn’t do any of these, then Coffee can slow the aging process.
A study of coffee drinking and health among people between 50 and 71 years reveals that over the course of follow-up, there was an inverse association between coffee drinking and the risk of death overall. The study showed there was a 10% to 15% reduction in the risk of dying for those who drank just two or three cups per day.
The worst things to eat.
Food and drinks with sugar. These foods and drink may increase your risk of stroke. They also make you wrinkly. Whether it’s a wrinkle on your arm or a wrinkle on your heart, sugar is very bad for your body both inside and out.
Things to avoid.
- Saturated fat, four-legged animal fat, two-legged animal skin, palm and coconut oil.
- Simple sugars and added syrups get absorbed quickly which raise your blood sugar level too fast. Drinking just one can of sugar-laced soda drink a day increases the risk of developing diabetes by more than a fifth.
- Any carbohydrates excluding 100% whole grains.
Good things to eat.
- Whole grain breads and pasta
- 9 servings a day of fruits and veggies
- 1 oz a day of Nuts
Good for You Nuts and Seeds
- Hemp seeds are truly a super food, as they are packed with an impressive list of nutritional attributes. Perfectly balanced with a three to one omega-6 to omega-3 oil ratio, they are also an excellent source of gamma linoleic and acid.
- Sunflower Seeds.The perfect phytochemical-rich seed for those of us looking to lose weight, as they promote healthy digestion and increase fiber intake. Sunflower seeds are also extremely rich in folate, a very important nutrient for women. They are packed full of good fats, antioxidant-rich Vitamin E, selenium and copper, all crucial elements in preventing heart disease, cancer, and other forms of troublesome cellular damage.
- Sesame seeds are very high in calcium, magnesium, zinc, fiber, iron, B1 and phosphorus, sesame seeds are unique in their chemical structure. Possessing important cholesterol-fighting fibers known as lignans, studies show that these seeds can lower blood pressure, as well as protect the liver from damage. Sesame seeds also may help prevent Arthritis, asthma, migraine headaches, menopause, osteoporosis.
So let’s eat and drink our way to staying young and healthy.