What is Telomere Testing?

Everyone wants to keep their skin looking vibrant, beautiful, and youthful. Some will spend hundreds of dollars on expensive creams and lotions, or even pay thousands for more permanent solutions such as Botox or plastic surgery. The real key to anti-aging though does not have to be so drastic. Scientists have found a key to […]

Can Keeping your Telomeres Longer Minimize Aging?

Longer Telomeres Minimizes Aging

Many people look in the mirror and feel that what they see staring back at them does not reflect how they feel inside.  They often want to turn back the hands of time to when they had more healthy, youthful, and radiant skin. People are so desperate that they are willing to shell out thousands […]

New View of Depression: An Ailment of the Entire Body

written by Shirley S. Wang Scientists are increasingly finding that depression and other psychological disorders can be as much diseases of the body as of the mind. Shirley Wang on Lunch Break discusses the impact of depression on aging and why people with a history of depression are also known to be at greater risk […]

Telomere Testing Identifies the Age of Your Body

Telomeres are sections of genetic material at the end of each chromosome whose primary function is to prevent chromosomal “fraying” when a cell replicates. As a cell ages, its telomeres become shorter. Eventually, the telomeres become too short to allow cell replication, the cell stops dividing and will ultimately die – a normal biological process. […]