Is Stress in Your Life Causing Adrenal Fatigue?

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Metro MediSpa adrenal fatigueThe adrenal gland is found just above the kidneys and is part of the human endocrine system.  This gland produces cortisol among other hormones. Cortisol, a steroid also known as the stress hormone, determines and influences how the body responds to stress. Under intense, stressful conditions the likelihood of insufficient production of this important hormone can lead to a condition called Addison’s disease.

The inadequate production of cortisol may lead to a person’s adrenal gland putting in an extra shift to help compensate for the shortfall. This overworking of the adrenal gland, especially in individuals who are under high physical, mental or emotional stress leads to adrenal fatigue. Difficulty waking up, body aches, protracted tiredness of the body and general weakness are some of the symptoms associated with adrenal fatigue. If left unchecked, adrenal fatigue could lead to lack of sleep, appetite and prolonged stress ultimately leading to depression. Other key symptoms that one may be suffering from Adrenal fatigue are: arthritis, difficulties in concentration, increased PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome), lowered sex drive, muscle weakness, unexplainable salt cravings, and anxiety.

How to Remedy Adrenal Fatigue

For anyone experiencing the above signs and symptoms, Stress Stop is here for you. Stress Stop is a proprietary blend of teas and herbs that will aid the body in combating stress and remedy a malfunctioning adrenal gland. With the adrenal gland producing sufficient cortisol hormones to deal the highly stressful modern lifestyle adequately, Stress Stop may be all you need to bolster your health.

Metro MediSpa is committed to providing essential pharmaceutical grade supplements to aid in maintaining balanced health. Other products offered include; VitaBoost XL, a multi-vitamin supplement that helps in weight loss; Digesti Cleanse, a digestive system detox; JefFUEL Advanced Energy and Diet Formula; among others.

Contact Metro MediSpa today and get back that energy you’re lacking.  Call 888-637-7228.

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Metro MediSpa

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