Help! My Hair is Falling Out

As a woman, you won’t have to worry about losing your hair and going bald, as that is a problem for men, right? Well, generally speaking, yes. However, although excessive hair loss in women is rare, it is not impossible. If you happen to be experiencing it firsthand, it isn’t a nice feeling. Losing a […]

Hormone Replacement Therapy: Sex after Menopause

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is the use of medicine containing female hormones estrogen and progesterone to reduce the effects of menopause such as hot flashes. Hormone Replacement Therapy works to restore the hormones that the body no longer makes after menopause. Doctors consider this type of therapy as the best way to treat menopause-related effects but advise […]

Vitamin D Deficiency Affects All Skin Tones

Vitamin D is obtained specifically through ultraviolet radiation B; which inversely is associated with various complex diseases. The negative and positive consequences of sun exposure have been debated. Vitamin D is produced by the skin when it is exposed to the ultraviolet light of the sun. Light skin pigmentation arises to ensure sufficient levels of […]

Hormones and Headaches

Did you know about 75% of all chronic headaches are suffered by women? This information is according to statistics provided by the US National Headaches Foundation. The distinction between the number of females and males who experience headaches is underlined by one factor: hormones. The Relationship Between Hormones and Headaches Every person in the world […]

3 Myths of Botox

Botox is amongst the most used treatments for fine lines and wrinkles. Many people have benefitted from Botox in Wilmington NC, but here is a majority of individuals who have misconceptions or myths about it.  Many folks are not acutely aware of what it does or doesn’t do.  Who are the best candidates for this […]

Four of The Main Causes of Estrogen Dominance in Men

The human anatomy is a truly miraculous creation that in truth, is far more complicated than many people can even begin to comprehend. When it comes to our hormones, in particular, getting the right balance is essential if we wish to enjoy a healthy and productive life. Though it is often considered to be a […]

Medical Spa Treatment to Increase Skin Elasticity

Metro MediSpa medical spa treatment

Over time and with age, our skin loses its natural vitality. Many external factors contribute to the diminishing youthfulness of the skin. While a regular and healthy skin care regime, a balanced diet and physical exercises make a significant contribution towards a radiant skin, sometimes it’s necessary to pamper your skin a little more. For […]

How To Treat Hormonal Imbalance In Women

Reduced hormone levels can lead to a multitude of unpleasant symptoms including mood instability, hot flushes, improper digestion, insomnia and significant risk of chronic disease. There are many ways to manage hormonal imbalance in women using natural methods and healthcare practices. The following tips can help incorporate the proper solutions to prevent complications and severe […]

Why Should You Have Your Hormone Levels Checked?

What is a hormone? The first thing to know is what hormones are. Hormones are natural substances which are essential for people’s health. As time passes, hormone production decreases in the body. This reduction in hormones leads to many age-related conditions and diseases. Hormones act on the cellular level. Maintaining the proper hormonal balance allows the […]

3 Hormones That Affect Your Sex Drive

As a woman approaches menopause, her levels of estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone decline naturally, leading to a hormonal imbalance. These three hormones are responsible for regulating a woman’s sex drive, reproductive cycle, and mood, and as they decline, there is age-related female sexual dysfunction. Estrogen The primary female hormone, estrogen, is responsible for regulating the […]