Vampire Facelift: How Long Does It Last?

Vampire facelifts are one of the hottest trends in the beauty world right now.  Injections of the patient’s blood are used to boost the healing capabilities of the patient’s skin. It might sound a little gruesome, but plenty of A-listers swear by this treatment- and for good reason. It works by taking some blood samples […]

Vampire Facelift: How Long is Recovery?

People, especially women, try different treatments to rid themselves of the signs of aging and to look more beautiful and fresh. One of these signs is greying skin due to the decreased blood flow and the reduction in collagen production. Vampire Facelift, also known as Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP), is a medical technique which has […]

Vinpocetine Can Improve Memory and Mental Energy

Vinpocetine is a derivative of a well-known drug, vincamine, which is made from the periwinkle plant. This drug was initially discovered in the late twentieth century by the Hungarian scientist Csaba Szantay. The drug is sold as a dietary supplement in the USA. It is sold in Europe under the trade name, Cavinton. How It […]

Getting Rid of Wrinkles With Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy

If you are thinking of a way to get rid of those wrinkles creeping up on your face, Metro MediSpa probably has the best of any solutions you can find today. Vampire Facelift® The Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy method was invented and trademarked by Dr. Charles Runels. It is known as The Vampire Facelift and […]

Vampire Facelift Treatment Risks and Results

The first word that many people think about when they hear about the Vampire Facelift procedure is blood. And that thought is not entirely wrong. A Vampire Facelift is a cosmetic procedure that utilizes a person’s blood components to create an anti-aging effect. During the process, a doctor draws blood from the client’s arm and […]

Is Stress in Your Life Causing Adrenal Fatigue?

The adrenal gland is found just above the kidneys and is part of the human endocrine system.  This gland produces cortisol among other hormones. Cortisol, a steroid also known as the stress hormone, determines and influences how the body responds to stress. Under intense, stressful conditions the likelihood of insufficient production of this important hormone […]

Trick or Treatment?

One looks forward to a fresh skin care regime after the summer ends. The beginning of October marks the arrival of fall and the anticipation of Halloween and costume party invitations. Glowing and soft skin is all a woman wants to have when all eyes are on her at every party. So why look like […]

4 Ways Unbalanced Thyroid Hormone Can Affect Your Body

For you to feel healthy and happy, your thyroid gland needs to be in top working order. This gland, located in your neck, produces the thyroid hormone that helps to regulate everything from your heart rate, metabolism, to your body temperature. However, if you start to produce too much, or too little thyroid hormone, then […]

Rejuvenate Hair Growth with Platelet-Rich Plasma

Men and women can suffer from hair loss due to genetic conditions or scalp infections. When this happens, they deal with the hair loss in different ways. Some of them choose to undergo hair loss treatments such as hair transplants, whereas others go for options that mask but do not deal with the hair loss […]

Help! My Hair is Falling Out

As a woman, you won’t have to worry about losing your hair and going bald, as that is a problem for men, right? Well, generally speaking, yes. However, although excessive hair loss in women is rare, it is not impossible. If you happen to be experiencing it firsthand, it isn’t a nice feeling. Losing a […]